My studio is located in a dedicated building behind my home in Denver’s Clayton neighborhood (just NW of Colorado Blvd & M.L.K. Jr. Blvd).
The above link will take you right to the studio, which is best accessed via the alley between Monroe St, Garfield St, 36th Ave, and 37th Ave. You can park right by the studio — there’s plenty of room for at least two cars. The studio has this amazing painting of Marilyn Monroe on it. I’m pretty sure you literally can’t miss it…

Here’s a less high-tech map of the studio location if you’re into that sort of thing:

A small warning about my studio
There’s no bathroom. I’ve got a nice little vanity setup for you and you can change in private…but there’s no bathroom and no running water in the studio. You’re welcome to use the bathroom in my house — we’ll just have to get you past my large and loud (but friendly) dogs.